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Preparing for Taxes: 12 Months to Financial Fitness

The tax filing deadline is April 18, 2022! Check out our latest blog in the 12 Months to Financial Fitness series for tips on getting started.

¿De qué se compone un puntaje de crédito?

El puntaje de crédito es una métrica clave usada por instituciones financieras para evaluar la probabilidad de que un prestamista pague sus deudas.
Consejos para los compradores de viviendas.

Consejos para los compradores de viviendas: hipotecas y más

Comprar una casa puede ser una tarea desalentadora para los primeros compradores como para quienes tienen experiencia.
Three glass piggy banks with coins showing a decreasing amount of money.

What is Inflation? Saving Money During Times of High Inflation

Learn what inflation is, how it impacts the economy, and strategies you can use to navigate it as a consumer.
A piggy bank next to stacks of increasing coins.

A New Year's Resolution Guide: 5 Tips for Financial Success in 2022

The start of a new year is the perfect time to set financial goals. Use this resolution guide to find inspiration and create a solid financial plan for 2022.

6 Financial Tips For Millennials of Any Age

Millennials, aged 25-40, face diverse financial situations. Here are some helpful tips for any stage of life.

7 Year-End Tax Tips

Here are some things to consider as you weigh potential tax moves between now and the end of the year.

Holiday Spending Strategies: 5 Ways to Save

The holidays are here! Florida Credit Union offers tips to help manage your spending, so you won't be paying off gifts and travel into 2022.
Illustration of budgeting app managing many tasks.

4 Ways to Manage Your Financial Planning With Budgeting Apps

Life can get hectic, and an on-the-go lifestyle calls for a method that can keep up with your busy schedule. That’s why budgeting apps help!

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