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The Importance of Keeping Your Personal Information Updated

By: FCU Team / 26 Sep 2023
Lady sitting in living room updating her personal information.

Life rarely stays the same for too long. Who you are and your current situation can change in just a matter of months! This can be something as simple as moving to a new email address, to something as complicated as moving to a new home. Keeping your personal information updated, especially with your financial institutions is imperative. It can help to prevent fraud, as well as help keep you more informed about your finances.

Why Should I Update My Personal Information?

Speaking from a credit union's perspective, we like to have clear lines of communications to our members. That way we're able to reach out when you might overdraft an account or when a payment is due. There's also an important fraud component! For example, say you've moved to a new apartment, but forget to update your address with important organizations, like your financial institution of choice. Things like bank statements would still be mailed to your previous address, an address that could be inhabited with a new tenant who has no qualms with opening mail that's not addressed to them.

Beyond our walls, there are other situations in which having updated information can be important for your safety, such as in a medical emergency. Keep reading to learn about when you should update your personal information!

When Should I Update My Personal Information?

There are a many life events that would necessitate you updating your personal information, and these include: 


It's important to update your address if you move, even if it's a temporary arrangement like moving in with an ill member for a few months. Statements, new credit cards, special offers, and more are delivered to your mailing address, and you should want these in your hands instead of someone else's.

Contact Information Changes

If you need to change your primary email address or phone number for one reason or another, you should make sure to update it as well! As mentioned above, these are the main sources that we and other institutions use to contact you.

Life Events

Marriage, divorce, and the birth of a child are all major life events that have implications on your personal information. These may also have legal implications, like changing your name! In any case, updating your information in these cases is important.

Keeping Your Personal Information Updated in FCU Anywhere


You've decided to update your personal information. Great! The next step is figuring out how to do that. We highly recommend you make these changes within FCU Anywhere if you're signed up for online banking! Simply visit the "Contact" tab in the settings page. You should see a section for your address, phone number, and email address. It's that easy!

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